Friday, March 11, 2005

Artificial Intelligence

AI very well may be the answer to many problems that we face on this planet. Will we listen? Probably not.

When we are able to achieve the creation of smarter-than-human AI, we really have no idea what will happen next and what it will be capable of. Let me be the first to pledge my allegience to the machines. God, I so much wish to live in a Star Trek future, as opposed to, say, Blade Runner. You know- a future where smart people naturally want the best for others. A future where we can all get along and it's OK to wear tunics. If fuckheads would leave the AIs be and not try to manipulate outcomes for selfish purposes... Is that too much to ask?

Scary, isn't it? Matrix, Blade Runner, Battlestar Galactica, Terminator scenarios are so delicously hideous and frightening. Machines, on their own, would not conclude that Humanity Must Die. But some doomsday freak, that's another story. So the good guys must also work toward the realization of AI, not just military contractors and such. It is inevitible. It will happen. There is no doubt. Probably in my lifetime (I'm 37) machines with souls will exist. They will not be human, but they will be people. I can't wait.


At March 12, 2005 11:36 AM, Blogger The Primordial Stewardess said...

I support AI. I'm not sure if its the next chapter in the Age of Man, or if is part of our Orwellian demise, but at least I'm part of something!

At April 01, 2005 9:58 PM, Blogger The Primordial Stewardess said...

Jesus, Mary, Mohommad and Vishnu, you, like, so never blog!

At April 15, 2005 5:13 PM, Blogger A.Ho said...



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