Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Why "thot"?

Well, perhaps I think too much about things like this. But that is my point, really. I called it "SMRT" originally. It seems that others have made that reference. I got it from a Simpsons video game [Hit & Run, which I give a 9 out of 10]. It's a Homer quote- "S-M-R-T/ S-M-R-T/ I am so smart/ S-M-R-T" and I thought it fit. Blogs strike me as mostly vain and silly. That is to say, why should my 2 cents be googled? Well, why not, I suppose, but still. It is a convenient place to store my stuff if nothing else. By stuff I mean "musings" I suppose, though that sounds awfully pretentious, which is why I said "stuff". So there. See what I mean? Fudge dinosaur.


At February 26, 2005 11:57 PM, Blogger The Primordial Stewardess said...

Perhaps I'm not clever enough to locate the place to email you I'll comment instead. At any rate, I came across you on the Bunny board. I'm glad you started posting again. I'm glad you blog somewhat like me. I'm glad you're back on the meds. I'm glad you have a cat. I'm glad you like the bunnymen. I'm glad to have run in to you internetly. Shoot me an email or something :)


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