Monday, October 04, 2004

The Real Story from Iraq

Just a thought...
Would it not be better to have Iraqis (sp?) reporting the news from Iraq to the U.S. audience? What I propose is natives of Iraq employed by western news organizations. The advantages of this seem obvious to me, but allow me to spell out a few, just off the top of my head:
1) They know the country.
2) They know the language.
3) There would be fewer security concerns for a person of Arabic origin. [Is "Arabic origin" a correct phrase?]
There are more reasons, of course. I have been thinking about the obligation of journalists to "tell the story". Wouldn't a person from outside the country have a decidedly different perspective? The important thing is to report the facts of the situation. A person's bias determines what facts get reported. Until we have news androids, bias will always be an issue. Here's what got me thinking about this: I heard someone on C-SPAN last night [I think it was Tom Brokaw] mention something about European news agencies pulling reporters out of the region, given the chaos there right now. So, even though the story must be reported, does that obligate you to send people into the country? There are already people in the country. Surely someone can be taught the proper use of a laptop, a camera and a microphone...


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