Saturday, October 08, 2005

Be cool.

Stay in school. I am glad to be back, that is for sure. I have chosen the right field of study. It's about goddamned time. I find psychology fascinating. I sit in the front row every day. There used to be plenty of seats down front. Then, in week 3, peeps wanted to get all up in my row and shit. All I can figure is that they must have attended some study group and heard a statistic about the correlation between grades and where one sits in a classroom. Don't know; don't care. I will sit in the front row every day. The first test was on Friday. Higher than usual attendance, as you might expect. I got to my row, chose my seat. A little girl informed me that my seat was saved. [she probably meant 'reserved' as opposed to 'born-again Christian'] Now, had the chair had a bag or jacket on it, I would not think of moving another's stuff. But apparently it was saved because she said so. The old Vince would have gone elsewhere. In a polite way I told her to get fucked and took the chair. If this seems extreme, you should know that I am a recovering people pleaser. Sometimes it will be necessary to overcompensate. Of all students at EWU my education is the most important.
My cousin Aaron suggested I blog about school. A good idea, methinks. Thanks Aaron.